Monday, October 31

New buddy!

OK so there is this new guy at work and he is so funny! He is I don’t know, something really in one word “Varied” that’s how he described himself in one word when I asked. No really this guy is always happy, smiling, and girly (in a good way) and he kind of transmits that positive energy to you. Hehehe yeah he is so super girl that he even on hallowing night wore a super girl shirt (LOL) I know but I just love the way he is, so careless and free. Maybe I’ll learn a thing or two from him. (I just hope is not his girly ways LOL) Seriously though, you know what I’m happy for, because I keep getting blessed and I keep getting to know really good heart people and he is definitely one of them. Thank you for being my new friend Erik. and like he so proudly says “Peace afuera!” (LOL)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! it's me!
