Friday, September 16

I'm not the only one...

Oh my god! This morning I was a little upset still for the events that have passed to me in the ending week, but to see my friend/coworker surrounded by his only-women-crew driving him crazy (LOL) oh man that made my day! My poor friend was trying to put an idea into their head for a project they are developing for next week and oh man, some of you might have a clue in how hard that is! All I heard was him commenting on what he thought it was a good idea and after that it was only three women speaking loudly at the same time making the office feel like we were in a zoo with a thousand chimps fighting for one banana (Keep it up DUDE! LOL)… Well at least I’m not upset anymore!!...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Rolo I understand your friend is very hard when you're trying to concentrate and its a lot of noise around, I pass throught is every single day at my mornings job, phones ringing like crazy, co-workers laughing, making jokes except doing what they're supposed to do, but oh well sooner or later you get used to it.
