Thursday, December 1


Today is World AIDS day.

World AIDS Day is commemorated around the globe on December 1st. It celebrates progress made in the battle against the epidemic and brings into focus remaining challenges. Also, today is a day to remember those who have died due to this world wide epidemic. AIDS affects every continent, and every country more than 40 million people live with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, or with AIDS itself. There were five million new cases this year more than half were in sub-Saharan Africa and more than half were among young people. AIDS has orphaned 15 million children and in some countries HIV education is not happening. (Sad isn’t it?) So, remember to take all the necessary precautions people, (you know) use a condom, don’t share needles if you use them, (Try at least) to be monogamous, and most important educate your self about this important and huge issue.
So that said, I hope that you and all of the ones around you are in good health and good company. Peace and LOVE to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes it's true,i thank god that you teach me about that enfermedad.well i leats know the basics staff,thanks a lot teacher.
and i will listen to youre advice.well got to go take care

ps totorooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
