Tuesday, September 18

Latest developments...

“Mi gorda” Bonnie is worrying me now, I don’t know if any minute now she is going to give birth to my grandsons and granddaughters!! Hehehe I found out through the Purina website than an average pregnancy for any dog is about 65 days and my baby is almost due. I think she will deliver around the first week of October! I am so freaking nervous because my poor Bonnie makes some strange noises sometimes, she starts sighing, or if she is resting next to me she starts kicking me (it’s really cute) is just like she is saying give me my space! LOL! She also complains like she is feeling some kind of pain on her belly and then she will just sleep with her paws up… Yesterday though, I really though it was the day, she started being very impatient, started pushing my legs while I was on my desk, and then she would look at me with watery eyes! I SWEAR she speaks to me!! For a minute there I though she wanted to go out and do her business but when I open the door she just went back to the room… that was scary it is not normal behavior for her, normally when someone opens the door, she just runs outside.

To calm my nerves I called the veterinary, and she said that was normal behavior and it might be that she was just feeling some contractions, isn’t it something??? Oh man I’m telling you, if I feel like this with my baby, imagine how it would be if I was straight and I had a pregnant wife!! LOL! (Never mind! Erase that thought!!) But I’ll keep you guys posted on how my Bonnie is doing!

Peace Ya’ll!

Bonnie showing some love!

1 comment:

bomitoni said...

omg your baby is tooo cute!!!! she should meet my baby chus :)
