I AM so fucking upset right now!
I work in a small office sharing, (LISTEN!) S-H-A-R-I-N-G space with another program, that’s uses three desks, and 80% of the office. My desk is in one corner where I been fighting to get some kind of privacy (if any) and space. Students, volunteers, staff, and participants come and go as they please, sometimes without control. They just sit in my desk and mess things around… 90% of the time… Come on!!!
I know this must be the same as with any other community organization but this is ridiculous. Let me break it down to you, in my job there is “administration”, then program directors (call coordinators) then staff and at last volunteers. Well two “coordinators” share this office, me and the “lady” (UGH!) not because she is a “lady” but because she is a major-super-extra-heavy weight-BIOTCH!
I was working in the computer lab and when I went back to my office to pick something up, the moment I got in I saw a BIG display board on the wall right behind my chair. (Remember I was talking about privacy and space?) Well really, is just a small space the one I have and now to have a big (I wouldn’t say ugly) but a thing, not related to anything I do, or stand for, behind me dude I was like WHAT?? Before, I had a Human rights poster there, and it was taken down without notice or any kind of consent from my part, instead she put… well you know… I talked to her trying to make her understand that, she was really literally invading my space, that she couldn’t or shouldn’t just come and do whatever she pleased in my desk, or on the walls behind me, not to mention without first fucking asking me! Oh GOD!! I’m pissed! Really, I tried reason with her and of course, as always, that was impossible. She went on about saying that the walls were property of the organization and that they were not my space, and that she could do what she pleased! Dude, what part of sharing don’t you understand? I think this is going to be taken to administration because honestly, I AM fed up with her and her attitude!
P.S. I have talked about her before… remember the F-OFF post? read it here
Oh Universe! give me strength, intelligence, and patience!