Friday, July 6


Just about the most amazing movie EVER! Yes, I know a lot of people might disagree but just step on my shoes for a little bit.

As a kid living in Mexico growing up was a little harsh… my parents divorced when I was 6 years old and my mom worked hard to raise my sister and I. Money was always an issue because we did not have money to buy new toys or things like that. Anyways, every weekend that we would spend time with my dad, he would take us to the movies or to the stores just to “window shop” (LOL!!) (Hey that’s life for some of us ok??!) Well me being a kid I remember the hard time I used to give my dad because I would see a toy I liked and OF COURSE I would want it! Back then, TRANSFORMERS WAS HOT! And I wanted an “Optimus Prime” toy hehehe my dad wouldn’t buy it for me (I didn’t understand why) and I would cry and cry. (hmmm! no wonder he doesn’t like me! LOL!!) Ok, so I like transformers since I was a kid and I followed almost all of the different series that came out about them, I mean what can be more excited than a truck capable of turning into a super advance robot machine!? Uh?? Uh?? (sigh, ol' good times) now, being able to see a live action movie with the most amazing effects ever, and also being able to hear Optimus Prime’s voice ON A MOVIE!!! Come on! Tell me that’s not cool, I am sure that there is something you would be a freak for, call it music, theater, books or whatever it’s about the things that makes you happy and Transformers JUST MADE MY MONTH!! Hehehe Peace and Love!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi totorooooooooooooo

q onda bueno pues tienes razon sobre la movie yo no soy fanatica ni se nada de transformers pero de que me gusto la movie me gusto. jiji

bueno ahi te veo ellunes en el work
