Wednesday, January 25

This year so far…

I can't believe that is still January and a lot has happened around me… My mom got sick and thank god now she is much better, Victor bought a house, I only have one jobL, we are looking to sell our house and buy another closer to Chicago, Ulises (my mom’s husband) is struggling for money to pay some freaking inspector for the basement, and oh yeah I got indirectly involved in an car accident… yeah just listen, the first week of this month I got out of work at night it was around 11 pm when I was driving by lake shore drive and the two cars that were driving right in from of me collide, everything happen like a flash I didn’t even have time to think. My first reaction was to push the break as slow as I could and turn to the right, at that moment I knew that I was going to be hit either by the right side or on the rear…. That feeling is so freaking scary! Well I just freaked out and started listening sounds of cars crashing I mean just think about it there was a little bit of traffic and then the speed was around 60 MPH… It was a matter of seconds when my car stopped someone hit me on the rear. I think it was because I was so freaked out that I though my car was literately destroy from the back… at the moment that I stopped all I saw right in front of me, was this guy moaning and making signs that he was hurt, then I turned to my left and see the other car totally destroyed I don’t know how it happened but the two cars that were mainly involved in the accident were totally destroyed… its a more complicated story but I just asked the guy who hit me that if he was ok, to what he responded positive, he got out of the car to say that our cars were ok, even though I didn’t completely believed him all I wanted to do was get out of the way of other cars and so I moved… I don’t really know how many cars were involved in that collision but I know there were at least 3 or 4 not including me… well when I was driving home a panic attack just hit me is the first time I have ever experience something of this nature I mean I have been driving for more than 11 years and I have never been in car accidents or crash wherever you want to call it but it is freaky and scary… as soon as I got home I just checked my car to see if it was ok (thank god it was) since then, oh man, every time a car cuts in front of me really fast I get all jumpy and stuff I mean I feel like they are going to hit me which is really bad because I don’t want to over react… anyway… hopefully everything will start getting better for me and I know it will cause I believe on it… hehehe
"If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day…." Alex Noble

1 comment:

Susana said...

I'm just glad you're okay!!! Car accidents are VERY SCARY. The smell of metal, the fear of injury, the fatality of it all. God was watching over you.

I'm glad your mom is OKAY!!!
