Sunday, January 22

I don’t want it to end…

I am having such of a great time that I really wish that it could be like this forever… I mean I know, and be sure I will look for another job but right now I am just feeling as relax as I never felt before (except maybe when I was a child) and I am getting to spend more time with Victor appreciating a lot more our relationship. As everybody knows Victor (my Puchix) has been a really great support lately and I have been kind of staying more at his house which is just great, and relaxing (I guess because its outside of the city) and I am having a great time again…

I hope I don’t wake up from this dream where I am for once happy again…

P.S. no people I’m not on drugs… LOL

1 comment:

Susana said...

I still owe you dinner, Rolo. I have been going through some personal stuff, too, which is why I haven't called. But I love you and am glad you are happy!!! I miss you.
