Tuesday, February 28

OH yeah!!!

And the winner of MEXICAN IDOL (La Academia USA) is the one and only Mariana…
I mean she wasn’t my pick but Willie was so into her, that he made me like her and I guess the “Paloma Negra” song was her best interpretation… All I know is that Diana should’ve won that competition… ok so no more academia and TV for me… :-)

Good morning world!

I’ve been a little reluctant to write something in the blog since I don’t know how long ago... and of course that’s not normal for me… I guess because no major events had happened to me... yeah I guess that is the reason why… The only thing I can think of, that has me really frustrated is that I need to install a networked printer in the computer lab where I work but it has been giving me problems and I haven't been able to do it… Major frustration uh? Well as long as is something as small as that everything is fine I guess…
Been feeling a little sick, I know I have to change my ways of eating because sometime last week I ate something that messed up my stomach and I have not been feeling well since then… I don’t know what else to say but to ask for good luck because I am playing the MEGA lottery is $256,000,000 lets see if I get something… (Wishful thinking hehehe)
Ok so see you!

Saturday, February 18


I’m here still living “La Vida Loca” brief update?

  1. Been looking for a house to move back to the north side or closer
  2. Have spend a lot of time at Victor’s
  3. Been working a lot on new projects for my job
  4. Have spend more time on my job
  5. Have visited some of my best friends
  6. Been thinking a lot on the direction my life is going to take
  7. Been alert on “Cirque du Soleil” they are coming to Chicago next summer
  8. I have spend LOTS of time watching “La Academia USA” and “Camino a la Fama”
  9. Lost six pounds
  10. Been eating healthier and organic
  11. Last, I have save some money by taking lunch to work instead of eating out

I think that is it so far… peace!

Thursday, February 2


If you are building your empire based on hypocrisy and deception your fall will be hard… You think that you have everything in your hands, and yeah you had made some people miserable by your irrational conduct thinking you are god, you are going to be destroyed! And let me tell you something at the begging I though I would be happy to see that happen, but I guess I was wrong, I guess I am not capable of having the same kind of conduct or feelings like you. I am different and I stand strong in my roots and believes. I also know that the walls you face won’t stop you from growing more and more… yeah! That’s it a wall, that is all you are for me a wall that was built upon bricks made out of nothing but crap and so because of the unsubstantial foundation under your wall that’s how it is destined to fall… I don’t know exactly how or when but it will…
So listen to this JERK the last you will hear from me is, HA!
