Monday, November 14


Well since my mind hasn’t been working as it should, I have not been able to write anything and sureee, a lot of negative and bad stuff has happened to me but I don’t want this to become just something were I only throw my frustrations but instead, I want it to be both, serious and fun at the same time. So, THIS IS A TEST PEOPLE! If anybody is reading this please respond by posting something ok?? Ok... :-> PEACE!!! PAZ!!!


Anonymous said...

I am out here. I am listening! (reading) I enjoy your observations and I know other people do too. You only have to write when you feel like it, it's not fun for you anymore if you feel obligated. Ojala que tu vida sea mas leve en terminos de lo que mencionaste.
We miss you,

Anonymous said...

I am always here, checking in on you.... like a stalker... but not a stalker.. i'm sure things will work out for you somehow, they always do. keep your head up and know that i'm thinking of you and sending you warm wishes and BESOS!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm rolix i'm sorry pero ya no recuerdo que decia jejejeje i'm sorry don't hate me. love you.

