Friday, November 30

Crazy November...


I feel I’m about to explode! My twitching eye wont stop going like crazy and I think that it is only because I don't tell anybody what’s happening in my head… believe me that can be dangerous, and drive you crazy… but here are some thoughts….

Sometimes I feel I don’t have support from the people I expect to have it from, I know I shouldn’t feel like this but when you cannot tell the ones closer to you what’s going on with you, because you are afraid of their reaction… what does that tell you?

I was having a lot of problems at my second job and issues with my boss directly, a lot of misunderstandings and believe it or not gossip that I didn’t create, I was trying not to pay attention to it but “these” people had me involuntarily involved. All of that got me to the point of me resigning my job and being very upset about it. Now, if that wasn’t enough “someone” break in to the computer lab at my job for the SECOND time and stole another computer!! That STRESSED me out like CRAZY! It makes you think how it is possible that somebody is going to be capable of stealing from a place dedicated to helping the community… I mean it is not like we are a profit organization and all the technology equipment we have is thanks to donations and foundation grants… come on!! Oh, and yeah I am the responsible for the computer lab since I am the coordinator of that program, and to make things worst it is the second time happening…

It has been a really difficult month for me… I am looking forward to two weeks off from work and just relaxing and isolating from the world… I need peace for once…

Positive notes:

  1. I am getting a roommate TODAY! Hopefully everything will be good sharing my place with somebody…
  2. I am super happy with my puppies, they are super big now, and now I am dealing with the education part of having pets hehehe
  3. After a LONG meeting/discussion with my second job’s boss, we came to clarify all the miss understanding and the things one of the coworkers there was trying to do… all is good now, I even have my job back and WITH A RAISE!! I totally deserve it!
  4. The month didn’t end up as bad after all… right?

Peace to all of you… and HUGS! XOXOX

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

¡Tranquilooooooo, mi querido Rolandiño!... tú sabes que la vida es como la montaña rusa, así que -aunque no necesitas este consejo-, acuérdate que al mal tiempo buena cara, además tienes que estar bien, equilibrado y demás, para transmitirles un caudal de buenos sentimientos a tus bebés -incluyo a Vic... jajajaja-, así que TRANQUILITO MI ROLANDIÑO, ya viene diciembre y con él, NAVIDAD... las posadas, los brindis, y todo todo todo lo bueno que ello trae consigo, ¡Pónte listo pa'l próximo año que, sin duda, y con el favor de Dios, será MAGNÍFICOOOOOO!... Besos, abrazos y todo mi corazón.
Daniel "El Mensajero".
