Wednesday, March 28

Preference??? Are you f***ing kidding me?

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So I’m not allow to say where I heard this but, the other day I was sitting in my desk at one of my jobs when all of a sudden I hear someone say “some may deny it, but being a homosexual it’s a preference” literally! Now, I know you may be thinking that because of the fact that I am a homosexual myself I get aggravated by everything surrounding that topic, let me just say that it is not like that but when it is something that made me struggle and suffer a lot when I was growing up of course there will be a reaction from me. I walked to one of the persons holding down that conversation “Professional lecture” and asked in what were they basing that knowledge, and the I was told that they received a training related to domestic violence where they learned or were told that being gay it’s a preference… ugh! Ok…

When I was growing up there was A fight inside of me wanting to be with a man but also praying, begging screaming, and crying to god to please let me be a “normal” person I didn’t want to be on “sin” (how stupid I was), or I didn’t want to disappoint my family, I definitely didn’t want to be the object of laughing around my family… I did NOT want to be the person I was…

That being said, to say that being gay it’s a preference to me is like saying you had a choice, like you could be straight but then you chose to be gay. I don’t think so!! Who would ever wanna be in a position of suffering and rejection when there is the option of acceptance and happiness, isn’t it crazy?

Oh my dear love ones don’t you think that I don’t like, love, admire, myself for being who I am right now, of course I do, but it was a long process of acceptance for me that finally ended on a March 08, 2001 (international women’s day) isn’t ironic?

To end this I just wanna say that even though I believe that a person is born gay not made it has not been proved yet, just like there is no prove that a person becomes gay after certain circumstances…

So I just think that we have to be careful with the information we give to other people and also that please, save your personal opinions when educating a group of people, it is very important…

Peace my dear ones!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hiyo sempai...

I know you are waiting for my "retarded" response ^.^" but anyways here it is:

I agree with you in the fact that being gay or straight is not the same thing as going to the store and picking tuna instead of ham even though you like both... because its not! WE like who we like and love who we love because of how/what they are not because we just simply choose to like them... if it was just simply by choice then we would never really know the REAL person..which is what really counts WE are PEOPLE not PRODUCTS its not the same and how that persone was making it sound so I agree with you ^.^"

-andrea XOXOX

P.S. hope it wasnt that retarded as you thought it would be ^.^"
