Monday, April 30

» Katherine Kohlstedt «

A long, long time ago…. in a dark place, fill with demons trying to suck the light out of your soul, there was a beautiful blond princess name “La Guera” She was as beautiful as the sun on a shining morning. Nobody new her real identity but me, her real name was Katie Kohlstedt hahahaha ok, ok, ok, ok… Seriously though, I have a friend I need to talk about and is long over due. I met my dear friend Katie when she came to work at the same place I was working. I mean who knew, that a blonde girl that recently arrived from the Argentines was going to be a HUGE influence with all the personnel at my place… since the moment I first saw her I though “hhmm she looks cool” but boy was I right, she was a really cool person to get to know… I mean not only was she a great person but also a great coworker that understood all the issues the Latino community was undergoing in the US specially Chicago, I mean, where do you find beautiful blonde princesses interested on those kind of issues uh? See I got you!...

But Katie is more than special, after sometime of living in Argentina and mastering her second language Spanish, she also had the guts! To leave Chicago and go on a crusade all over Mexico! “Si ‘ñor!! “Ajua” LOL!!! (note: If you want to know what that means ask me later)… anyways, now she is more Mexican than Juanita la tequilera del barrio de tehuaxcal! (note: don’t even know if that exist but sounds cool lol!) But yeah she mastered the difficult language “chilango” language that not all Mexicans can mastered, I mean ask ME, I don’t know it all, and I AM Mexican uh? What’s up with that?!

Katie has been living in Mexico (el DF) for a few years now, and I am so happy to see her every time she comes to visit Chicago because I can see that even though we don’t see each other like before, we still have a strong bond I mean, that’s what real friends do right? (besides, she brings me "Alegrias de Chocolate, hhmmm [drools]"). She took me to a U2 concert once and that was one of the best experiences of my life, we went out every now and then to some crazy “happy” bars lol! Oh yeah and who can forget those “Happy hours” we had in the middle of work!! YOO HOO!! Oh my gosh I miss you guera!

A n y w a y s…. Wera eres una chava a todo dar y siempre estas en mi corazon! I love you don’t forget it! And now I leave you with some of her exciting pictures from her adventures… BTW, in some of them she is with her dear boyfriend Paco! Enjoy!
